Welcome to the Aurora MGP Environmental Cleanup Project Website

Nicor Gas and ComEd (the Utilities) are conducting an environmental cleanup project at the location of a former manufactured gas plant (MGP) in Aurora, Illinois. From the mid-1800s until the 1920s, the MGP once manufactured gas from coal, coke and/or oil to serve the community’s energy needs. The Aurora MGP was located on the west bank of the Fox River, on both sides of South River Street and on the north portion of Hurds Island in Aurora, Illinois. The goal of the Aurora MGP Environmental Cleanup Project is to bring the properties up to current environmental standards.

Supplies of natural gas were not always available in Illinois. Prior to the mid-1900s, MGPs provided gas for lighting, cooking, heating and industrial applications. When natural gas became available, the MGPs closed and the operators commonly left tar and other residuals at the production sites. (Click here for more information about MGPs.)

The Utilities have a program in place to address the residuals from the gas manufacturing process. Investigation and cleanup activities have been ongoing at the Aurora MGP location and nearby areas. The project is being conducted in cooperation with, and with oversight by, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (Illinois EPA) through its voluntary Site Remediation Program (SRP). Through the SRP, the Illinois EPA reviews and approves the cleanup work. (Click here for more information about the Aurora MGP Cleanup Project.)

Additional phases of the cleanup project are currently being planned. Information about the next phases will be provided on this website as the plans are developed.

Nicor Gas and ComEd are providing this website as a means of keeping the community informed about environmental investigation and cleanup activities of the Aurora MGP Environmental Cleanup Project.

 Figure of all the properties

 Aurora MGP Location